The Marketing Merry-Go-Round

Our team recently wrapped up a successful Septemberfest Chamber of Commerce event for one of our clients. The event was a huge success and a great opportunity for the client to show community support, showcase their services, and plant the seeds for the upcoming holiday season. 

My favorite part – the carnival. It warmed my heart to hear people laughing (and screaming!) – as they lined up for that predictable quick thrill. Guaranteed fun – there’s nothing like it.

Imagine if everything in life – and in business – was that easy and fun.

The Marketing Merry-Go-Round

Often frustrated business owners hire us to figure out why their marketing isn’t working. They think they are doing everything right from messaging, social, Google, email etc. They are confounded when the ROI is nowhere near what was expected. Sometimes they feel the road to success is reached by doubling down on their budget – only to be disappointed.

I call this the Marketing-Merry-Go-Round. It’s goes one speed and pace through the motions, over and over, but never gets anywhere. You keep going where you have always been, and keep getting what you have always gotten. The big question – should you jump off?

Maybe try the Rollercoaster…?

You most likely know that it’s time to try something new. The good news is…you don’t need to abandon the merry-go-round for the fastest, scariest rollercoaster to get results. I tell my clients all the time:

(Purposeful repeat for effect)

At Planet Canavan, we work with business owners every day to bridge past successes with exciting fresh initiatives to attract new customers.  We believe it is critical to strike that balance to ensure organic growth.

For more information on how you can discover what is achievable for your business, set up a free consultation today.  We can meet you at the next carnival…and the cotton candy is on us!


The Center of Your Universe: Your Brand